A Christian Minority Educational Institution
Estd. 1960 | Affiliated to University of Kerala
Recognized by UGC under 2(f)/12(B) of UGC Act 1956
Recognized by NCTE | Re accredited with A grade by NAAC

  • 0475-2352323


Student Support Services

Every year the students of the college elect the college union executive, Viz Chairman, Vice chairman, General Secretary, University Union Counselor, Arts club Secretary, Sports Secretary, Magazine Editor and class representatives. One of the salient features of the college union is that elections are not held on the political basis. The union provides opportunity to the students to excel in their various abilities. All the co curricular and extra curricular activities of the college are organized and conducted by the college union under the guidance of teachers. The election to the college union is governed by the rules and regulations of the University of Kerala.

A counselling cell is functioning in the college for directing students through the right track whenever they face conflicts, All teachers serve as counsellors to empower student teachers to become resourceful in self help process. The teacher educators of this college extend their services to many other educational institutions to provide support to the needy for skillful problem solving.The tutorial system is effectively followed where 12 students are put under the special care of each teacher mentor to assist our students in their holistic development.

It focus on widening the job prospects for those students who want to launch themselves in a career and to sharpen the knowledge about the courses available for those who want to pursue higher studies. The cell conducts various programmes on topics such as personality development, communication skill and group discussion aimed at moulding the students for better placement.

In collaboration with MGOCSM unit of the college, a charity collection by the students, from the community is taken. This amount is used for helping the financially backward students of the college.

A social service club ‘samanauya’ is constituted in the college which aims to aid the poor and needy in the community. The club activities include hospital visits, giving alms to the poor and needy, campus beautification, giving teaching aids to neighbouring schools, free tuition to poor students of adjacent schools, etc. The institutions benefitted by the club include the Prakashadhara school for mentally handicapped children, Sanketham home for the destitute, Asha Bhavan orphanage,etc.

A nature club is functioning in the college in association with World Wide Fund for Nature – India. All the teachers and majority of students are members of WWF-India. The club organises field trips and conducts various innovative programmes to develop ecological conscientization among student teachers. Environmental protection, pollution control and respect for natural habitats are the major aims of this club. The club also organizes seminars, symposia, debates, etc. about various themes related to environmental education.

The college has Life Science club, Physical Science club, Literary Forum, Commerce Association, Mathematics club and Social Science club, which cater to the co-curricular needs of teacher trainees. These clubs conducts seminars, debates, quizzes, visits to prominent places, etc. Most of these clubs publish student magazines also.

A women cell is active in the college. The cell celebrates women’s day every year and organized seminars and various conscientisation programmes for the upliftment of the women community.

In association with the University of Kerala, a unit of help desk is functioning in the college. All the university related information would be made available to students and teachers through the help desk.

The institution is a member of All India Association for Christian Higher Education and Council for Teacher Education. The institution itself is one of the pioneering institutions in the teacher education sector, which produced eminent personalities who enjoy prominent positions in India and Abroad.

  • Mount Tabor is the hillock of transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The vision of Mount Tabor Training College is to transform and transfigure the students to be empowered teachers who engage teaching as a service and a sacrifice to save the learner from the darkness of evil and lead towards the light of wisdom.
  • To equip the prospective teachers to become engaged citizens who are physically healthy, emotionally intelligent, personally effective, socially responsible, aesthetically sensitive, who have character, commitment and courage with global consciousness and local connectedness.
  •  To motivate student teachers to become transformative teachers who demonstrate faith in their thought, wisdom in words, courage in deeds and service as a symbol of their life.
  •  To mould the self to fully functioning personalities who integrate cognitive and affective talents in the classrooms to make learning a pleasant experience for the learners.
  •  Extending the teacher education services to the community for the well-being of the society
  •  Exploring the educational scenario to supplement, support and intervene in the educational sphere to make it more effective.
  •  Promoting quality of Teacher Education in the light of a Christian understanding of the world and society.
  • Very Rev. Younan Samuel Remban, (Manager)
  •  Rev. Fr. Benjamin Mathen, (Secretary)
  •  Very Rev. C.O. Joseph Remban, (Bursar)
  • HG Dr. Yakoob Mar Irenios
  •  Dr. Rosamma Philip, (Principal)
  •  Very Rev. Gabriel Samuel Remban
  •  Very Rev. Peter Thomas Remban
  •  Rev. Dr. Michiel Zachariah
  •  Rev. Fr. Yohannan Thomas
  •  Rev. Fr. David Koshy
  •  Rev. Fr. K.A. Mathews
  •  Rev. Fr. Markose Geevarghese
  •  Rev. Mother Superior, Mount Tabor Convent
  •  The Principal, St. Stephen’s College (Member Ex- officio)